The Mysterious Three Initiates and their Hermetic Principles: The Kybalion

    [A free pdf of The Kybalion can be found in the Free Lit Archive]

A popular book among occultists, The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, also known as The Kybalion, is steeped in mystery and intrigue -- even its authorship is shrouded in secrecy.

Penned by the elusive "Three Initiates" in the early 20th century, this esoteric book promises to unlock the secrets of the universe, and has intrigued knowledge seekers for over a century. Does it live up to the hype? You'll have to read it and decide for yourself!

Engraving of Hermes Trismegistus or Mercurius Trismegistus
from Pierre Mussard, Historia Deorum fatidicorum, Venice, 1675

At the core of The Kybalion lies the dedication to the teachings of another illusive character, Hermes Trismegistus, alongside the exploration of so-called Hermetic Principles, encapsulated in the book's prominent aphorism: "As above, so below; as below, so above." 

As a figure, Hermes Trismegistus has inspired many theories and interpretations as to who exactly this being may be -- god, human or otherwise, -- but the usual scholarly answer considers Hermes Trismegistus to be a legendary Hellenistic period figure that is a syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.

Souls on the Banks of the Acheron, depicting Hermes in the underworld
oil painting, Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl, 1898

And who are these mysterious "Three Initiates"? Some rumors say they're three ancient sages, others say it's just clever marketing, but either way, the book has succeeded in garnering interest, and the authors technically remain unknown apart from their illusive pseudonym, although many have guessed one (or all) of the authors might be William Walker Atkinson

Atkinson was a pioneer of the New Thought movement, had published under several pen names, like Magnus Incognito and Yogi Ramacharaka, among others, and many believe the writing in The Kybalion is similar to Atkinson's writing style. The two co-authors remain unknown in the official sense as well, but speculation often includes Mabel Collins, Michael Whitty, Paul Foster Case, and Harriet Case. 

The Kybalion emerged during a time when people were chasing enlightenment, a period of spiritual revival and intellectual curiosity. Influenced by the Theosophical movement and Hermetic philosophy, it resonated with individuals seeking alternative perspectives beyond mainstream religious dogma. And it employed the interesting strategy of declaring itself as only intended for true wisdom seekers, claiming the general masses would quarrel and poke holes instead of focusing on grander, timeless wisdoms. Artwork Entitled "Trismegistus"
This is an augmented fictional image that contains AI generated elements.
This image does not depict real or actual persons, events, or objects.

The Kybalion discusses 7 Hermetic Principles: The Principle of Mentalism, The Principle Correspondence, The Principle of Vibration, The Principle of Polarity, The Principle of Rhythm, The Principle of Cause and Effect, and The Principle of Gender.

The thesis "As above, so below" is further discussed as part of The Principle of Mentalism, which reflects on the interconnectedness of the macrocosm and the microcosm, presenting a framework for understanding the universe and our place within it. Translation: Your mind is a cosmic playground, so think happy thoughts and watch the universe do its thing. It's like "The Secret" meets Plato, with an occult filter applied. 

The Principle of Correspondence in analogy could be like a tree, with its roots mirroring the structure of the cosmos, and as the branches reach towards the heavens, so do our aspirations strive for higher understanding. The principle also further encourages us to recognize patterns and parallels in all aspects of existence, suggesting that whether you're gazing up at the stars or down at your own navel, there is a game of cosmic connect-the-dots to be played, with potential corresponding connections to be discovered. 

The Principle of Vibration suggests that everything vibrates, from atoms to galaxies; that everything is in a state of constant motion and vibration, and by understanding vibration, we can perhaps gain insight into the power of thought, and the influence of our consciousness on reality. 

The Principle of Polarity discusses how opposites attract and balance is key so as to avoid the galactic tug-of-war of differing forces. 

The Principle of Rhythm says life's a rollercoaster ride we're meant to enjoy, from seasons to mood swings, the ebbs and flows will create harmonies within a symphony of chaos. 

The Principle of Gender is about the cosmic dance between yin and yang and how the eternal interplay of masculine and feminine energies can give birth to creation.

The Principle of Cause and Effect is where karma acts like a celestial boomerang and every action has a reaction, whether you're planting seeds or tripping over yourself -- just don't forget to watch out for curveballs. Artwork Entitled "As Above So Below"
This is an augmented fictional image that contains AI generated elements.
This image does not depict real or actual persons, events, or objects.

The Kybalion, and Hermeticism as a whole, have left an indelible mark within the modern cultural zeitgeist, inspiring artists, writers, and thinkers across various disciplines in exploration of themes like spiritual balance, alchemy, and metaphysics.

Despite its widespread reach, The Kyablion has faced criticism from skeptics and scholars alike, as some dismiss it as pseudoscience or New Age mysticism, while others question the authenticity of its authorship and the validity of its teachings. 

Cover of: Three Initiates, The Kybalion 1908

As it succeeds to compel readers, The Kybalion stands as a testament to the enduring quest for knowledge and understanding, offering timeless principles that continue to resonate with seekers of wisdom, and profound insights into the nature of reality and the human experience. Whether you're a seasoned sage or a total skeptic, there are thought-provoking elements within this book to ponder over. 

Whoever the Three Initiates may be, they have succeeded in creating an immortal record of their teachings, continuing to guide others on their quests for knowledge, led by the light of ancient wisdoms, as they remain relevant to provoke new, modern insights. 


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